
User Guide

This guide covers the features of DUKE chatbot


  1. Introduction

  2. Features

  3. Usage

    1. Adding a task

    2. Marking a task as done

    3. Displaying the task list

    4. Deleting a task

    5. Finding a task

    6. Tagging a task


DUKE is a chatbot made for CS2103-T individual project. Its purpose is to help manage daily tasks by maintaining a checklist of finished and unfinished task.


  1. Text input: DUKE supports text input from the user. Simply type your command into the textbox and start communicating with DUKE.

  2. Tasks: DUKE supports 3 different types of tasks:
    1. ToDo: These tasks do not have a date associated to them.

    2. Deadline: These tasks have a date associated to them.

    3. Event: These tasks have a date associated to them.

  3. Data saving: In order to save data when booting, Duke will save a list of current tasks in the list in duke.txt.

  4. Tagging: Duke supports tagging of the tasks in the list.


  5. Adding a task
    • todo - Add a ToDo task to the task list.

      • Format: todo TASK_DESCRIPTION

      • Example: todo party - Adds a party ToDo task to the task list.

    • deadline - Add a Deadline task to the task list.

      • Format: deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by TASK_DATE

      • Example: deadline individual project /by 2020-03-02 - Adds a individual project Deadline task by March 2, 2020 to the task list.

    • event - Add a Event task to the task list.

      • Format: event TASK_DESCRIPTION /at TASK_DATE

      • Example: event concert /by 2020-03-28 - Adds a concert Event task by March 28, 2020 to the task list.

    Note: Please specify all TASK_DATE in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.

  6. Marking a task as done
    • done - Mark a task in the task list as done.

      • Format: done TASK_INDEX

      • Example: done 3 - Marks task with index 3 in the task list as done.

    Note: TASK_INDEX starts from 1.

  7. Displaying the task list
    • list - Display the current tasks in the task list.

      • Format list

    Note: This command would also show the status of the tasks in the task list (e.g. description, date, tag, status).

  8. Deleting a task
    • delete - Delete a task in the task list.

      • Format: delete TASK_INDEX

      • Example: delete 6 - Deletes task with index 6 in the task list.

    Note: TASK_INDEX starts from 1.

  9. Finding a task
    • find - Finds a task with the specified description.

      • Format: find TASK_DESCRIPTION

      • Example: find book - Finds all tasks in the task list that contains book in the description.

    Note: find accepts partial TASK_DESCRIPTION in the input command, so to find homework, you can type home instead.

  10. Tagging a task
    • tag - Tags a task in the task list.

      • Format: tag TAG_DESCRIPTION /at TASK_INDEX

      • Example: tag not happening /at 12 - Tags the tag at index 12 in the task list with #nothappening.

    Note: tag automatically removes the spaces in between the TAG_DESCRIPTION to match with the tagging system of popular social media platform (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc.)